NOVA » Season 13 » Episode 4
EP21 - How Babies Get Made
EP20 - Leprosy Can Be Cured!
EP19 - Sail Wars!
EP18 - Are You Swimming in a Sewer?
EP17 - Mystery of the Animal Pathfinders
EP16 - Is Anybody Out There?
EP15 - Can AIDS Be Stopped?
EP14 - High-Tech Babies
EP13 - The Planet that Got Knocked on its Side
EP12 - The Search for the Disappeared
EP11 - Visions of Star Wars
EP10 - When Wonder Drugs Don't Work
EP9 - The Rise of a Wonder Drug
EP8 - Return of the Osprey
EP7 - Skydive to the Rain Forest
EP6 - Toxic Trials
EP5 - The Case of the Frozen Addict
EP4 - Life's First Feelings
EP3 - Horsemen of China
EP2 - Goddess of the Earth
EP1 - Halley's Comet: Once in a Lifetime
EP20 - Leprosy Can Be Cured!
EP19 - Sail Wars!
EP18 - Are You Swimming in a Sewer?
EP17 - Mystery of the Animal Pathfinders
EP16 - Is Anybody Out There?
EP15 - Can AIDS Be Stopped?
EP14 - High-Tech Babies
EP13 - The Planet that Got Knocked on its Side
EP12 - The Search for the Disappeared
EP11 - Visions of Star Wars
EP10 - When Wonder Drugs Don't Work
EP9 - The Rise of a Wonder Drug
EP8 - Return of the Osprey
EP7 - Skydive to the Rain Forest
EP6 - Toxic Trials
EP5 - The Case of the Frozen Addict

EP3 - Horsemen of China
EP2 - Goddess of the Earth
EP1 - Halley's Comet: Once in a Lifetime

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PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages explore the science behind the headlines. Along the way, NOVA demystifies science and technology, and highlights the people involved in scientific pursuits.
First Air Date: 1974-03-03
Original Language: EN
Vote Average: 6.9
TMDB-ID: 3562
IMDB ID: tt0206501