Power Rangers » Season 1 » Episode 3
 EP60 - An Oyster Stew
 EP59 - Mighty Morphin' Mutants
 EP58 - Football Season
 EP57 - Enter... The Lizzinator
 EP56 - On Fins and Needles
 EP55 - Second Chance
 EP54 - Trick or Treat
 EP53 - Fowl Play
 EP52 - Two Heads are Better Than One
 EP51 - Grumble Bee
 EP50 - Return of an Old Friend (2)
 EP49 - Return of an Old Friend (1)
 EP48 - Plague of the Mantis
 EP47 - Reign of the Jellyfish
 EP46 - To Flea or Not to Flee
 EP45 - Crystal of Nightmares
 EP44 - Lions & Blizzards
 EP43 - Something Fishy
 EP42 - A Pig Surprise
 EP41 - Rita's Seed of Evil
 EP40 - Doomsday (2)
 EP39 - Doomsday (1)
 EP38 - A Bad Reflection on You
 EP37 - Clean-Up Club
 EP36 - Birds of a Feather
 EP35 - The Green Candle (2)
 EP34 - The Green Candle (1)
 EP33 - The Yolk's on You!
 EP32 - A Star is Born
 EP31 - Calamity Kimberly
 EP30 - The Rockstar
 EP29 - Island of Illusion (2)
 EP28 - Island of Illusion (1)
 EP27 - Wheel of Misfortune
 EP26 - Gung Ho!
 EP25 - Life's a Masquerade
 EP24 - Itsy Bitsy Spider
 EP23 - The Spit Flower
 EP22 - The Trouble with Shellshock
 EP21 - Green with Evil Part 5: Breaking the Spell
 EP20 - Green with Evil Part 4: Eclipsing Megazord
 EP19 - Green with Evil Part 3: The Rescue
 EP18 - Green with Evil Part 2: Jason's Battle
 EP17 - Green with Evil Part 1: Out of Control
 EP16 - Switching Places
 EP15 - Big Sisters
 EP14 - Dark Warrior
 EP13 - Foul Play in the Sky
 EP12 - Peace, Love and Woe
 EP11 - Power Ranger Punks
 EP10 - No Clowning Around
 EP9 - Happy Birthday, Zack
 EP8 - For Whom the Bell Trolls
 EP7 - I, Eye Guy
 EP6 - Different Drum
 EP5 - A Pressing Engagement
 EP4 - Teamwork
 EP3 - High Five
 EP2 - Food Fight
 EP1 - Day of the Dumpster
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Power Rangers

A team of teenagers with attitude are recruited to save Angel Grove from the evil witch, Rita Repulsa, and later, Lord Zedd, Emperor of all he sees, and their horde of monsters.

First Air Date: 1993-08-28

Original Language: EN

Vote Average: 7.1

TMDB-ID: 2328

IMDB ID: tt0106064

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Power Rangers