Pokémon » Season 6 » Episode 22
EP40 - Watt's with Wattson
EP39 - A Poké-BLOCK Party
EP38 - A Different Kind of Misty!
EP37 - Jump for Joy!
EP36 - The Spheal of Approval
EP35 - Win, Lose or Drew!
EP34 - Having a Wailord of a Time
EP33 - Now That's Flower Power!
EP32 - Abandon Ship!
EP31 - Just One of the Geysers
EP30 - A Meditite Fight!
EP29 - Ready, Willing, and Sableye
EP28 - Seeing is Believing!
EP27 - A Three Team Scheme!
EP26 - Turning Over a Nuzleaf
EP25 - A Mudkip Mission
EP24 - A Corphish Out of Water
EP23 - Gone Corphishin'
EP22 - A Hole Lotta Trouble
EP21 - Which Wurmple's Which?
EP20 - Brave the Wave
EP19 - Sharpedo Attack!
EP18 - On a Wingull and a Prayer!
EP17 - Stairway to Devon
EP16 - The Winner by a Nosepass!
EP15 - Gonna Rule the School!
EP14 - All in a Day's Wurmple
EP13 - All Things Bright and Beautifly!
EP12 - The Lotad Lowdown
EP11 - A Bite to Remember
EP10 - You Said a Mouthful!
EP9 - Taming of the Shroomish
EP8 - A Tail with a Twist
EP7 - Tree's a Crowd
EP6 - A Poached Ego!
EP5 - In the Knicker of Time!
EP4 - You Never Can Taillow!
EP3 - There's No Place Like Hoenn
EP2 - A Ruin with a View
EP1 - Get the Show on the Road!
EP39 - A Poké-BLOCK Party
EP38 - A Different Kind of Misty!
EP37 - Jump for Joy!
EP36 - The Spheal of Approval
EP35 - Win, Lose or Drew!
EP34 - Having a Wailord of a Time
EP33 - Now That's Flower Power!
EP32 - Abandon Ship!
EP31 - Just One of the Geysers
EP30 - A Meditite Fight!
EP29 - Ready, Willing, and Sableye
EP28 - Seeing is Believing!
EP27 - A Three Team Scheme!
EP26 - Turning Over a Nuzleaf
EP25 - A Mudkip Mission
EP24 - A Corphish Out of Water
EP23 - Gone Corphishin'

EP21 - Which Wurmple's Which?
EP20 - Brave the Wave
EP19 - Sharpedo Attack!
EP18 - On a Wingull and a Prayer!
EP17 - Stairway to Devon
EP16 - The Winner by a Nosepass!
EP15 - Gonna Rule the School!
EP14 - All in a Day's Wurmple
EP13 - All Things Bright and Beautifly!
EP12 - The Lotad Lowdown
EP11 - A Bite to Remember
EP10 - You Said a Mouthful!
EP9 - Taming of the Shroomish
EP8 - A Tail with a Twist
EP7 - Tree's a Crowd
EP6 - A Poached Ego!
EP5 - In the Knicker of Time!
EP4 - You Never Can Taillow!
EP3 - There's No Place Like Hoenn
EP2 - A Ruin with a View
EP1 - Get the Show on the Road!
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Join Ash accompanied by his partner Pikachu, as he travels through many regions, meets new friends and faces new challenges on his quest to become a Pokémon Master.
First Air Date: 1997-04-01
Original Language: JA
Vote Average: 7.9
TMDB-ID: 60572
IMDB ID: tt0168366
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