Power Rangers » Season 2 » Episode 16
EP52 - Blue Ranger Gone Bad
EP51 - Wild West Rangers (2)
EP50 - Wild West Rangers (1)
EP49 - Storybook Rangers (2)
EP48 - Storybook Rangers (1)
EP47 - Best Man for the Job
EP46 - Return of the Green Ranger (3)
EP45 - Return of the Green Ranger (2)
EP44 - Return of the Green Ranger (1)
EP43 - The Wedding (3)
EP42 - The Wedding (2)
EP41 - The Wedding (1)
EP40 - Rangers Back in Time (2)
EP39 - Rangers Back in Time (1)
EP38 - A Reel Fish Story
EP37 - Forever Friends
EP36 - The Great Bookala Escape
EP35 - Scavenger Hunt
EP34 - Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
EP33 - Lights, Camera, Action
EP32 - Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun
EP31 - When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?
EP30 - Mirror of Regret
EP29 - Goldar's Vice-Versa
EP28 - The Power Transfer (2)
EP27 - The Power Transfer (1)
EP26 - Zedd Waves
EP25 - A Monster of Global Proportions
EP24 - The Ninja Encounter (3)
EP23 - The Ninja Encounter (2)
EP22 - The Ninja Encounter (1)
EP21 - Zedd's Monster Mash
EP20 - Opposites Attract
EP19 - Two for One
EP18 - White Light (2)
EP17 - White Light (1)
EP16 - Beauty and the Beast
EP15 - Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park
EP14 - Missing Green
EP13 - Green No More (2)
EP12 - Green No More (1)
EP11 - The Song of Guitardo
EP10 - Welcome to Venus Island
EP9 - The Beetle Invasion
EP8 - The Power Stealer
EP7 - The Green Dream
EP6 - Bloom of Doom
EP5 - Putty on the Brain
EP4 - The Wanna-Be Ranger
EP3 - The Mutiny (3)
EP2 - The Mutiny (2)
EP1 - The Mutiny (1)
EP51 - Wild West Rangers (2)
EP50 - Wild West Rangers (1)
EP49 - Storybook Rangers (2)
EP48 - Storybook Rangers (1)
EP47 - Best Man for the Job
EP46 - Return of the Green Ranger (3)
EP45 - Return of the Green Ranger (2)
EP44 - Return of the Green Ranger (1)
EP43 - The Wedding (3)
EP42 - The Wedding (2)
EP41 - The Wedding (1)
EP40 - Rangers Back in Time (2)
EP39 - Rangers Back in Time (1)
EP38 - A Reel Fish Story
EP37 - Forever Friends
EP36 - The Great Bookala Escape
EP35 - Scavenger Hunt
EP34 - Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
EP33 - Lights, Camera, Action
EP32 - Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun
EP31 - When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?
EP30 - Mirror of Regret
EP29 - Goldar's Vice-Versa
EP28 - The Power Transfer (2)
EP27 - The Power Transfer (1)
EP26 - Zedd Waves
EP25 - A Monster of Global Proportions
EP24 - The Ninja Encounter (3)
EP23 - The Ninja Encounter (2)
EP22 - The Ninja Encounter (1)
EP21 - Zedd's Monster Mash
EP20 - Opposites Attract
EP19 - Two for One
EP18 - White Light (2)
EP17 - White Light (1)

EP15 - Orchestral Maneuvers in the Park
EP14 - Missing Green
EP13 - Green No More (2)
EP12 - Green No More (1)
EP11 - The Song of Guitardo
EP10 - Welcome to Venus Island
EP9 - The Beetle Invasion
EP8 - The Power Stealer
EP7 - The Green Dream
EP6 - Bloom of Doom
EP5 - Putty on the Brain
EP4 - The Wanna-Be Ranger
EP3 - The Mutiny (3)
EP2 - The Mutiny (2)
EP1 - The Mutiny (1)
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Power Rangers
A team of teenagers with attitude are recruited to save Angel Grove from the evil witch, Rita Repulsa, and later, Lord Zedd, Emperor of all he sees, and their horde of monsters.
First Air Date: 1993-08-28
Original Language: EN
Vote Average: 7.1
TMDB-ID: 2328
IMDB ID: tt0106064
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Power Rangers
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