Pokémon » Season 4 » Episode 1
EP52 - Machoke, Machoke Man!
EP51 - Fight for the Light!
EP50 - Got Miltank?
EP49 - The Joy of Water Pokémon
EP48 - The Kecleon Caper
EP47 - Right On, Rhydon!
EP46 - The Screen Actor's Guilt
EP45 - The Big Balloon Blow-Up
EP44 - Doin' What Comes Natu-rally
EP43 - Turning Over a New Bayleef
EP42 - Current Events
EP41 - The Heartbreak of Brock
EP40 - The Art of Pokémon
EP39 - Control Freak!
EP38 - The Poké Spokesman
EP37 - Ring Masters
EP36 - Sick Daze
EP35 - The Wayward Wobbuffet
EP34 - The Dunsparce Deception
EP33 - The Stolen Stones!
EP32 - Freeze Frame
EP31 - Spring Fever
EP30 - Moving Pictures
EP29 - UnBEARable
EP28 - The Light Fantastic
EP27 - All That Glitters!
EP26 - Trouble's Brewing
EP25 - From Ghost to Ghost
EP24 - A Ghost of a Chance
EP23 - Houndoom's Special Delivery
EP22 - The Apple Corp!
EP21 - The Grass Route
EP20 - Wings 'N' Things
EP19 - Ariados, Amigos
EP18 - The Trouble with Snubbull
EP17 - Imitation Confrontation
EP16 - Wobbu-Palooza!
EP15 - Mountain Time
EP14 - Power Play!
EP13 - A Better Pill to Swallow
EP12 - Beauty and the Breeder
EP11 - Hook, Line, and Stinker
EP10 - A Hot Water Battle
EP9 - Two Hits and a Miss
EP8 - Hassle in the Castle
EP7 - Carrying On!
EP6 - Fossil Fools
EP5 - Type Casting
EP4 - The Bug Stops Here
EP3 - Air Time!
EP2 - A Dairy Tale Ending
EP1 - A Goldenrod Opportunity
EP51 - Fight for the Light!
EP50 - Got Miltank?
EP49 - The Joy of Water Pokémon
EP48 - The Kecleon Caper
EP47 - Right On, Rhydon!
EP46 - The Screen Actor's Guilt
EP45 - The Big Balloon Blow-Up
EP44 - Doin' What Comes Natu-rally
EP43 - Turning Over a New Bayleef
EP42 - Current Events
EP41 - The Heartbreak of Brock
EP40 - The Art of Pokémon
EP39 - Control Freak!
EP38 - The Poké Spokesman
EP37 - Ring Masters
EP36 - Sick Daze
EP35 - The Wayward Wobbuffet
EP34 - The Dunsparce Deception
EP33 - The Stolen Stones!
EP32 - Freeze Frame
EP31 - Spring Fever
EP30 - Moving Pictures
EP29 - UnBEARable
EP28 - The Light Fantastic
EP27 - All That Glitters!
EP26 - Trouble's Brewing
EP25 - From Ghost to Ghost
EP24 - A Ghost of a Chance
EP23 - Houndoom's Special Delivery
EP22 - The Apple Corp!
EP21 - The Grass Route
EP20 - Wings 'N' Things
EP19 - Ariados, Amigos
EP18 - The Trouble with Snubbull
EP17 - Imitation Confrontation
EP16 - Wobbu-Palooza!
EP15 - Mountain Time
EP14 - Power Play!
EP13 - A Better Pill to Swallow
EP12 - Beauty and the Breeder
EP11 - Hook, Line, and Stinker
EP10 - A Hot Water Battle
EP9 - Two Hits and a Miss
EP8 - Hassle in the Castle
EP7 - Carrying On!
EP6 - Fossil Fools
EP5 - Type Casting
EP4 - The Bug Stops Here
EP3 - Air Time!
EP2 - A Dairy Tale Ending

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Join Ash accompanied by his partner Pikachu, as he travels through many regions, meets new friends and faces new challenges on his quest to become a Pokémon Master.
First Air Date: 1997-04-01
Original Language: JA
Vote Average: 7.9
TMDB-ID: 60572
IMDB ID: tt0168366
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